Daily Living
AADL (Alberta Aids to Daily Living)
Who is providing this ?
Government of Alberta
What’s it for?
Equipment and supplies.
Who is eligible?
Those with a long-term disability, chronic illness or terminal illness to stay independent
What is needed?
A clinical assessment by a health care professional based on what type of equipment and supplies are needed.
How does it work?
Albertans pay 25% of the benefit cost to a maximum of $500 per individual family per year.
Low-income Albertans and those receiving income assistance are exempt from paying the cost-sharing option.
ACETS (Augmentative Communication and Educations Technology Services)
Website (through Inform Alberta):
Who is providing this?
Alberta Health Services through Alberta Children’s Hospital.
What’s it for?
Children who need assistive technologies to communicate.
Who is eligible?
A referral from clinician to clinician is required.
How does it work?
Works with the community care team to try to improve a child’s ability to communicate.
Some technologies needed may be eligible for AADL such as Speech Generating Communication Devices (SGCDs)
AISH (Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped)
Who is providing this?
Government of Alberta
What’s it for?
Income support for people with a permanent medical condition that prevents them from earning a daily living
Who is eligible?
Must be at least 18 years of age and not receiving an Old Age Security pension.
Depends on income and assets that the person or their spouse / partner have.
What is needed?
How does it work?
An eligible person or someone who can help them will need to fill out some forms but will need a medical professional to complete a portion of the form
DTC (Disability Tax Credit) – 10 years retroactively
Who is providing this?
Government of Canada
What’s it for?
This is a tax credit or deduction provided to people with a disability or to caregivers who are looking after persons with disabilities
Who is eligible?
Someone who pays taxes to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) – a person with a disability or to caregivers who are looking after persons with disabilities.
How does it work?
For example, a Disability Child Benefit may provide a monthly benefit when the annual family income is below a certain level
FSCD (Family Support for Children with Disabilities)
Who is providing this?
Government of Alberta
What’s it for?
Providing supports and services for families to help raise their children at home.
Who is eligible?
Child must be under 18 years of age.
How does it work?
Home Care
Who is providing this?
Alberta Health Services
What’s it for?
Helping people live independently.
Who is eligible?
People of all ages.
How does it work?
Helps with needs to help with independence such as housekeeping. Some fees may apply.
PDD (Persons with Developmental Disabilities)
Who is providing this?
Government of Alberta
What’s it for?
Helping people live as independently as possible.
Provides 4 basic types of support:
– Community Living Supports (such as meal planning or housekeeping)
– Employment Supports (training, education)
– Community Access Supports (helping attend sports activities or volunteering)
– Specialized Community Supports (short term funds to provide help)
Who is eligible?
How does it work?
RDSP (Registered Disability Savings Plan)
Who is providing this?
Government of Canada
What’s it for?
This is an investment so that if a person with a disability invests money into a savings plan, the government adds additional money to use in the future.
Who is eligible?
Personal or family income must be within certain ranges. Check website for details.
How does it work?
For every $1 put into an RDSP account, the federal government of Canada will match up to $3 if the family income is below a certain level. This amount of money added is called the Canada Disability Savings Bond – depending on the province, this can be exempt from the income calculation for other services.
Life Activities
Access 2 Card
Who is providing this?
Easter Seals
What’s it for?
Helping people (all ages) to attend participating entertainment, cultural and recreational events throughout Canada.
Who is eligible?
Any child or adult but a support person is required.
How does it work?
Apply through the website.
West Jet, Air Canada
Attendant Programs
Tetra Society
Who is providing this?
What’s it for?
Help people overcome environmental barriers to enjoying life.
Recruit volunteers to build custom devices for individuals.
Who is eligible?
How does it work?
Air Canada Attendant Program
Who is providing this?
Air Canada
What’s it for?
If you need to travel in Canada with Westjet, you can apply to have a personal attendant with you.
Who is eligible?
Check website
How does it work?
Apply through website. Some fees may apply.
West Jet Attendant Program
Website: https://www.westjet.com/en-ca/travel-info/special-needs/personal-attendant
Who is providing this?
What’s it for?
If you need to travel in Canada with Westjet, you can apply to have a personal attendant with you.
Who is eligible?
Check website.
How does it work?
Apply through website. Some fees may apply.
The information provided is a resource collected from publicly available sources current at the time to help people start looking for opportunities for support and provides no assurance that those agencies will provide those services or that the information is accurate. Please verify with each agency what the current level of support is and that the information is correct..
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